Parked alongside a variety of Bristol MWs is a representative of the earlier lightweight chassis - the Bristol SC4lK. This particular example is former Crosville Motor Services SC13 (783EFM).
The penultimate style of ECW body on the Bristol RELL is represented by former Eastern National 1516 (FWC439H).
Bristol's final lightweight offering was the LH model which saw use in many fleets nationwide. This pair are both in NBC green and white with Lincolnshire Road Car's 1045 (SVL830R) nearest the camera and London Country's BN45 (GPD313N) adjacent.
The bus version of the Bristol MW is represented in Tilling Red by former Reed & White U7.65 (DAX610C).
What might be thought to be a Bristol MW with standard ECW coachwork is a very rare machine, it is an ECW bodied AEC Regal IV. Tillings Transport, the small nationalised coach fleet in central London had five built in 1960. In its later years the Tilling coach fleet come under the care of Eastern National. The survivor of the batch of five is 2148 (LYM732).