West Midlands PTE | MCW Metrobuses

West Midlands PTE MCW Metrobuses
West Midlands PTE MCW Metrobus 6833
Leaving the Hillingdon Show SHOWBUS 78, with the coveted Premier Operator Award in the front window, is MCW Metrobus 6833 (SDA833S).
Picture ref H477
West Midlands PTE MCW Metrobus 2543
Fresh off the production line in 1982 Mark 2 Metrobus 2543 (POG543Y) was displayed on the MCW stand at the Commercial Motor Show at the NEC in its home town. The rear of a Metroliner for Go Scottish Citylink can be seen to the right on the stand.
Picture ref H490
WMPTE Tracline MCW Metrobus & London Volvo Ailsa Alexander A1
A new Tracline Metrobus for the guided busway route 65 was on display alongside London Buses' V1 (A101SUU), one of its three trial Ailsas. The occasion is an open day at Chiswick Works in the mid eighties.
WMPTE MCW Metrobus
One of WMPTE's first Metrobuses in the new image livery introduced with the type at Showbus 79.
WMPTE MCW Metrobus 2312
Standard MCW Metrobus 2312 (KJW312W) is seen on a Private Hire working.
WMPTE MCW Metrobus 2344 & Midland Red Mercian Olympian ECW 1905
MCW Metrobus 2344 (LOA344X) is alongside MAP branded Mercian Midland Red North 1905 (EEH905Y), a Leyland Olympian with ECW bodywork.
At SHOWBUS international 2007 the West Midlands contingent provided a formidable line up in the Land Warfare Hall field. The first four start with Fleetline (SOE913H), Bristol VRTSL6G 4413 (NOB413M), Ailsa 4738 (JOV738P) and a Metrobus.
WMPTE MCW Metrobus 6832
The WMPTE Metrobus in the 2007 line up was fairly typical 6832 (SDA832S). The bus alongside is far from typical. This was the prototype London MCW Metrobus, TOJ592S, built as a double-door demonstrator and painted into London Transport colours. It was acquired by Stevensons and passed with the company to Arriva Midlands North in September 2001. It and was later sold to Andy Gadsby in November 2005 who painted it back into Stevensons colours to commemorate the 80th anniversary of that company. Andy sold it on to Midland Classic who exhibited the bus at SHOWBUS.
West Midlands PTE MCW Metrobus 6835
Arriving for SHOWBUS international 2013 near Stratford-upon-Avon was an early Mark I Metrobus, 6835 (WDA835T).
Picture ref 13-5347
West Midlands PTE MCW Metrobus 2 2462
Arriving later was an example of WMPTE's next standard, the MCW Metrobus 2 in the shape of 2462 (NOA462X).
Picture ref 13-5599
West Midlands PTE MCW Metrobus 2462
Metrobus 2462 (NOA462X) was seen arriving at the Imperial War Museum for SHOWBUS international 2012.
West Midlands PTE MCW Metrobus 2462
Entering the magnificent grounds of Woburn Abbey, 2462 attended SHOWBUS international 2015.
Picture ref 15-3220
West Midlands PTE MCW Metrobus 2462
It was at SHOWBUS again the following year for the first of the Donington Park displays.
Picture ref 16-5561
West Midlands PTE MCW Metrobus 2462
It was at Donington again for SHOWBUS international 2017.
Picture ref 17-9736
West Midlands PTE MCW Metrobus 2462
It completed the Donington hat-trick in 2018.
Picture ref 18-4109
West Midlands PTE MCW Metrobus 6835
Joining 2462 in 2018 was Metrobus 6835.
Picture ref 18-4082
West Midlands PTE MCW Metrobus 2 2764
Also joining was Mark 2 Metrobus 2764 (A764WVP) preserved in Travelcard advert livery.
Picture ref 18-9736
West Midlands PTE
West Midlands PTE
West Midlands PTE MCW Metrobuses