Back in the mid eighties we posed four vehicles in front of Woburn Abbey as a promotional shot for SHOWBUS. Various arrangements were chosen and the one at the top of the current display page was finally used and turned into a poster for the event. Because it was a grey day, the printers managed to manipulate the image and provide a blue sky - a rare sight at Woburn during our time there. The four vehicles were a Woburn regular, Barry Wetherhead's General K502, Red Rover DMS 156 (OJD233R), Club Cantabrica Jonckheere bodied Volvo B10M, A21PTM and, then sponsor, Hefac's ex Newcastle Alexander W bodied Leyland Panther, 511 (UVK511G). SHOWBUS is of course returning to Woburn this year on September 20th. Oddly only the oldest of the four vehicles in the picture is still likely to be around to attend. Back in the eighties SHOWBUS was a showcase for the new Leyland Tiger model and Leyland used to strongly support the event, so we will be show casing a Tiger display. We expect to be able to announce a lot more detail about the event in mid May after further discussions scheduled with the Abbey authorities have taken place.