The ubiquitous Tokyo Expo 1984 Volvo B10Ls turn up all over Australia. Westrans Werribee had this one in their fleet, 67 (2865AO) which was at one time 05 in the Melbourne MET fleet. Westrans Werribee had another of the batch acquired via Brisbane. The bus was on loan to Davis' and used to be 118 in the Davis' fleet and often migrated between Ballarat and Werribee.

Back in August 2008, Davis' had 119 (2866AO) in its own livery. Werribee 67 can be seen tucked in behind. Oddly 119 is made up from two ex MET buses, the front half being former fleet number 08 and the rear, 04. It too has appeared in Werribee on occasion and was at one time in the blue livery.

Still in Westrans livery was Autobus bodied Scania K124IB 97 (5469AO). It is seen turning in to the Ballarat depot in February 2015. The coach was new to Sydney's Clipper Tours in 2001.
Picture ref A7043

More modern articulated hardware comes in the shape of Volgren bodied Scania L94UA 158 (5452AO) seen out front of the Ballarat depot.
