Victoria Regional Transit | Miscellany

Victoria Regional Transit Miscellany
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BC Transit Proterra ZX5 9093 & NovaBus LFS 9423, 9366 & 9378
In 2022 BC Transit had a Proterra ZX5 electric bus for evaluation as part of a state wide scheme. It is seen, numbered 9093, at its special charging bay for the night one evening in Septmeber 2023 with conventional diesel powered NovaBus LFS buses 9423, 9366 and 9378 parked nearby. Rather like the hybrid Alexander Dennis Enviro500H the Proterra appeared to get special treatment, only allowed out on short shifts and probably not used at weekends.
Picture ref D4369
BC Transit Proterra ZX5 9093
The following day the Proterra is seen scurrying back to the depot.
Picture ref D4410
Victoria Regional Transit Miscellany
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