Seen on January 8th 2012 is Broadmeadows 37 (5988AO) a Mercedes O500LE with Volgren bodywork at North Coburg on route to the company's hometown of Campbellfield.
On the same day sister vehicle 48 (6937AO) is seen on layover at Upfield Station. The "B" logo on the rear windows is a rare indication of the fleet's identity on a bus beyond its livery.
Back to November and from the coach fleet White-Higer MidiBoss 52 (7462AO) was one of many coaches at Flemington Park for the Melbourne Cup horse race.
This Buslink Hino FD166L with Newnham Newro body, 252 (MO429), is seen in Darwin in August 2005. It was one of a trio owned by Buslink who disposed of 252 to Broadmeadows where it became 39 (6131AO).