Non BC Transit liveried Alexander Dennis Enviro500

Victoria Regional Transit Sytem Alexander Dennis Enviro500
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BC Transit Alexander Dennis Enviro500MMC 9542
Visiting Vancouver Island in September 2023 it was difficult to pay the bus fare from Swatz Bay Ferry Terminal into Victoria by any means other than cash. In contrast credit card payment was acceptable across Vancouver. Once on the island it was possible to buy prepaid tickets for all day or single journeys at various outlets, but there was not one at the Ferry Terminal. But help was at hand with the new UMO card due shortly, as adverised on Enviro500MMC 9542 seen on an evening "Rapidbus" service.
Picture ref D4368
BC Transit Alexander Dennis Enviro500MMC 9542
A better downtown sunshine view of 9542 making its livery look much fresher.
Picture ref D4376
BC Transit Alexander Dennis Enviro500MMC 9544
Seen at speed heading downtown was Enviro500MMC 9544 seemingly advertising home fires.
Picture ref D4478
BC Transit
BC Transit
BC Transit
BC Transit Alexander Dennis Enviro500MMC 9548
Surrounded mainly by NovaBuses in the depot yard one evening in September 2023 was Enviro500MMC 9548 in a simple advertising livery for ScanDesigns home furnishing. Unfortunately the livery was very similar to that used on ex GO Transit buses being used on cruise ship transfers and trips to Butchart Gardens.
Picture ref D4361

BC Transit Alexander Dennis Enviro500MMC 9548
A better view of 9548.
Picture ref D4423

Victoria Regional Transit Sytem Alexander Dennis Enviro500
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