Across BC Transit and Coast Mountain Bus paratransit services are branded HandyDART and Ford E450 models were the order of the day when C538 was seen downtown in Victoria in August 2004. CBB Polaris III bodies were preferred, but the Fords were later ousted by Chevrolet 4500 minibuses with Arboc SOM28D coachwork.
A closer view of the bus further out of town in 2004.
In August 2009 Ford B-015 is seen nearing Victoria Harbour.
This 2009 view of the Victoria depot shows several Fords with 2126 sporting the new green-blue livery. The two nearest the camera sport "Community Bus" branding. An advert Enviro500 can be seen in the background.
Ford E450 2147 has no hint of "Community Bus" branding and has "HandyDART" on its destination blind as it passes the majestic Empress Hotel on Victoria's Harbour frontage in August 2009.