Giving Paris the air of London, and its passengers the air of Paris, is this big red British built doubledecker bus. Les Cars Rouges 360 (466NEZ75) is a Volvo B10M Citybus with East Lancs Cabryolet body new in 2002, but seen in summer 2007.
Another Les Cars Rouges Volvo/East Lancs heads for L'Arc de Triomphe through Paris' heavy traffic.
A second batch followed a few months later in 2002 on Volvo's B7L chassis. This is 369 (745PXC75) moving along the banks of the Seine.
This rear view of 361WXS75 shows how the slab like rear provides a great advertisement hoarding, which spreads round to the rear quarter panels. The offside photo shows the rear of centre positioning of the staircase and the unusual seating arrangements by the stairs on the lower deck. From the grill behind the front axle, this is believed to be another Volvo Citybus B10M.