Amsterdam Bus Museum

Amsterdam Bus Museum Open Day 2001
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Amsterdam Bus Museum DAF/Berkhof GBV 236
Visiting the museum and on display outside was one new bus, one of the latest GBV low floor DAF/Berkhofs in a striking red livery for the 'schipol sternet' - the Star Network, serving Schipol Airport - operated jointly by GBV and Connexxion. In red, the bus recalled images of the possibility of such vehicles operating the London Millennium Dome shuttle, though East Lancs Myllennium bodies won the bid.
Amsterdam Bus Museum DAF/Berkhof GBV 236
A front view of 236 (BL-DH-76).
Amsterdam Bus Museum DAF/Berkhof GBV 236 and Tram 236
The reason for the choice of GBV's 236 is now apparent as it poses alongside museum resident, tram 236.
Amsterdam Bus Museum Tram 236
Tram 236, posed by the water's edge.
Amsterdam Bus Museum Open Day 2001
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