LA Metro Thomas TL-960 9965 is seen in the Downtown area. At the time this photo was taken, in August 2002, these particular buses were maintained for LA Metro by the CoachUSA Stagecoach subsidiary. The CoachUSA logo can be seen just to the left of the centre doors.
CoachUSA also used to maintain vehicles for LADOT.
Impressive Commuter Express LADOT machines were these Neoplan AN340/3s like 92029 new in 1992 and seen when ten years old and likely to be going strong ten years later.
RAZ Transportation is the Coach USA operator in Portland, Oregon. This Ford E450 cutaway, 70234, is seen in the city in August 2007.
Another RAZ unit seen on the same day was this larger normal control unit, 70401, not (yet?) Coach USA branded.