Sadly these unusual thirty-foot long Orion I singledeckers have now ceased service in the city, though one was retained in the historical fleet and at one time stored at the Woods Division Pier 15/17 facility. Orion 9008 is seen in summer 2004 on what was probably a rare outing down Market Street. The "Citycruisers", as they were designated, tended to be used on lightly trafficked routes.

Orion 9008 is seen here two years earlier having popped up outside the West Portal of the subway station, the point at which the subway cars separate and become streetcars.

An unidentified San Francisco MUNI Orion I Citycruiser also on Market Street in summer 2002.

San Francisco MUNI Orion I Citycruiser 9037, with another behind, also seen in 2002.

Citycruiser 9002 on layover in August 2002.
