Not the first MRD1 in the Reading fleet - the registration that once adorned the Mayor's car. Scania 828 is seen at the 2006 Showbus Rally, the Reading team kindly bringing along our trusty team of "goody bag" distributors - Doug Gibbs and Rob Midgely - who provided each driver with a welcome pack, which included a canned drink and a bar of chocolate.
Sister vehicle 834 (YN06JWZ) is seen heading into town from Calcot, in the same pink scheme used for the 23/24 services, in July the following year.
A slightly different shade of pink is seen on 820 (YN06JWD) for the 25/26 services, it contrasts with 834 (YN06JWZ) on the 24 behind in Reading town centre in July 2008.
Omnidekka 822 (YN06JWF) is seen in Reading town centre on the 26, with a Newbury Buses Caetano Dart behind it.