London Transport AEC Routemaster Park Royal RM1000-RM1999
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Oxford Street Routemasters at night
Is it possible to imagine Oxford Street without Routemasters?
Oxford Street Routemasters at night
With later thinking it might be "is it possible to imagine Oxford Street without buses?"
Oxford Street Routemasters at night
These views were taken on New Year's Eve 1997.
Routemaster RM1112
RM1112 on the 81. The route was a long time home of the RT until final conversion to Routemasters in the late sixties. Subsequently it was second home to the trial batch of Leyland Nationals (LS1-6) before becoming a haunt of DMSs and Lynxes with London Buslines and an even greater assortment of vehicles with Westlink and London United.
Routemaster RM1069 and MCW Metrobus M2
M2 of Sullivan Buses alongside their RM1069, interlopes in the RM line up at Millennium Showbus.
London Transport AEC Routemaster Park Royal RM1000-RM1999
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