Seen at EFE SHOWBUS International 2002 was former GMPTE Leyland Leopard 81 (HNE641N)
sporting the penultimate style of ECW coach body. This body was to be found on Bristol RELH
chassis in many NBC fleets, particularly those from the former Tilling camp. So rare indeed was the
batch supplied to GMPTE on the contemporary Leyland chassis.
4759 (A759NNA) is not quite what it appears. It was indeed GMPTE 4759 and passed to Stagecoach
Manchester, however it is seen here with Prestwood Travel on a
High Wycombe school contract. Prestwood's livery matches nicely its former GM livery.
The bus is a Northern Counties bodied Leyland Atlantean AN68D/1R.
Seen at the Weston-super-Mare Rally in 1998 was this Duple Viceroy bodied Bedford VAL70 in
a mock GMPTE livery, even down to a logo based on the letter T rather than M.
Giving a hint of what GM buses might look like today, if the company was still operating Manchester's
buses, is this Mercedes used on the Greater Manchester Ring & Ride disabled transport. The bus, seen
in Ashton, uses GMPTE's colours.