Three Maidstone coach liveries in this view inside one of the show barns. On the left is C28 (28TKR), the Harrington bodied AEC Reliance, on the right LC1 (NKN650), the luxury 16 seat Harrington bodied Commer Avenger. In between, 5442 (GKE442Y) the 73 seat ECW bodied Leyland Olympian.
As already mentioned the Maidstone & District Centenary was also celebrated later in the year, 2011, at SHOWBUS international with representative vehicles lied up in front of the American Air Museum. From the east end we have 5442 followed by SHOWBUS stalwarts Leopard 2816 (OKO816G) and Ailsa 5385 (LKP385P).
From the opposite end we have Bristol VRTSL3 5832 (BKE832T), M&D subsidiary New Enterprise's Dennis Javelin 2855 (YN53VBX), Beadle-Leyland CO260 (OKP988), MCW Metrobus 2 5201 (A201OKJ) and Reliance/Harrington C28 (28TKR).
Alongside C28 were two ECW bodied Bristol VRTSL3 deckers, 5846 and 5847 (BKE846-847T).