It was a shame more UK vehicles did not make the effort to attend such a superb event - look out for the next Sinsheim-Speyer rally, probably in 2010.
Owner of the two magnificent machines is Steve Graham who said they made a fine spectacle tailing each other down the motorway from the North West to attend SHOWBUS in 2006. Crosville CRG106 made the trip to Southern Germany for the Speyer event in 2004.
In 2008 Showbus celebrated the centenary of the Bristol chassis. No less than three Royal Blue coaches of contrasting styles share the display with Bristol Greyhound 2138 (BHU92C) with yet another verson of the ECW body on MW chassis. Nearest the camera is 2250 (617DDV) of 1960, beyond the Greyhound are 1410 (759MDV) of 1963 and 1967 1436 (HDV641E).
A different angle reveals the ongoing line up of MW coaches with further examples from Eastern National - 392 (OWC182D) and Crosville CMG561 (HFM561D).
Seen in the early seventies at Newbury Bus Station, a Crosville MW coach is on layover in company with an earlier Royal Blue MW and Thames Valley Bristol LH 213 (VMO233H).