Travel Coventry

Travel Coventry
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Travel Coventry Dennis Trident Alexander ALX400 4223
One of the themes of SHOWBUS international 2003 at the Imperial War Museum was a celebration of the Olympian chassis. Tagged on to the end of a long Olympian line up, which included a TWM and National Express example was Travel Coventry Dennis Trident 4223 (Y833TOH).
Travel Coventry
Travel Coventry Dennis Trident Alexander ALX400 4205 & MCW Metrobus 2868
In 2005, the TWM exhibits at SHOWBUS had a Travel Coventry flavour with Trident 4205 (Y812TOH) and MCW Metrobus 2868, taking advantage of its four track route number blind to display its fleet number. The third bus is a new B7TL/Wright for the Premier 997 route whose special livery includes Coventry's pale blue.
Travel Coventry
Travel Coventry at SHOWBUS 2007, Duxford
At SHOWBUS in 2006, the impressive collection of West Midlands buses can be seen on the left of the Pay Booth queues, including a Travel Coventry Mercedes artic at a rather jaunty angle nearest the camera.
Travel Coventry
Travel Coventry Dennis Trident Alexander ALX400 4400
At Cobham in 2003, Travel Coventry Dennis Trident 4400 (BV52OBP) was shown.
Travel Coventry
Travel Coventry at SHOWBUS 2011, Imperial War Museum
Timesaver Metrobus 2957 aside, there was a strong Coventry line up to the Metrobus display at SHOWBUS in 2011. The MCW line up was along the path leading up to the entrance to the Land Warfare Hall. After 2957 comes Travel Coventry Metrobus II 3053 (F53XOF), Coventry liveried 3065 (F65XOF), Travel Coventry Mark I Metrobus 2618 (ROX618Y) and a WMPTE liveried Mark I.
Travel Coventry
Travel Coventry
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