With the demise of Marshalls, First has switched to Caetano for its Nimbus body on Dart SLF chassis. Volume was not as great - which may have contributed to Marshalls demise - so there were not as many Caetanos as Marshalls. DHL498 (LK03NLN) was displayed at Cobham in April 2003.
A new DHL, 528, in service at Heathrow Airport in April 2004.
The same bus, now numbered DMC41528 (LK53FDE), looking smart on the U9 in 2005.
Horrendous graffiti covers the rear of DMC41536, seen at Heathrow in February 2005. The detail can be seen by clicking on the image opposite for the enlarged file.
Still helping out on RV1 at the end of September 2012 whilst the final Wright fuel cell buses were awaited is First London Dennis Dart SLF Caetano Nimbus DMC42516 (LK03NKJ), still in full First London original regalia.