Toyota Coaster 15 (037GXJ), dating from 1999, is seen with S22 (357IUW), an ex Brisbane Denning bodied MAN SL200 119 (119BXJ), still in city livery.
Sister vehicle 45 (184HZC) was Brisbane 918 (134IRH). This bus was minus an "S" prefix to its fleet number, the prefices seem to have been casually deployed. Note that the centre door has been panelled over. Several of these Brisbane MANs were part of the fleet in 2009.
Another popular model was the Iveco Delta 260 with Custom 57 coach seated SB400 bodywork. No less than eight had been purchased between 2004 and 2009. This was the first to arrive in March 2004, 20 (523JHJ).
A nearside view of 33 (616JLS), one of two actually acquired send hand from Stonestreets.