Polley's Coaches

Polley's Coaches
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Polleys Bonluck President 2 XQ80WB, Deening Phoenix Silver XQ72QE, Hino RB8 UBC-Chiron Orion, Phoenix Silver Mystique, Mercedes OH1626L Irizar i6 Jill, Mitsubishi Rosa Minnie, Mercedes OH1627 BCI-Gemilang Tweety & Iveco C260 Custom SB400 Ivy
A trio of shots in the depot in March 2023. The Denning Phoenix fleet has grown in strength and new Bonluck coaches have also found favour. The two small vehicles are Rosa Minnie and UBC-Chiron bodied Hino RB8 Orion (864TON) ex FAPAS 34 (7638AO). From left to right the Dennings are unnamed XQ72QE, Mystique with new rego 395WZZ, Phydeaux (668RNZ), Mallee Bull (000STP) and Countess (372MVY). The Irizar i6 is on a Mercedes OH1626L named Jill (XQ81AI) new in 2018. Next to the little Hino is Tweety, a Mercedes OH1627 with BCI-Gemilang body and rego XQ20LA. On the extreme right is Iveco Ivy again with 2019 Bonluck Pebble (XQ58HA) alongside. Just visible at the opposite end is Bonluck President 2 XQ80WB of 2021.
Picture ref D2513
Polleys Denning Silver Phoenix Baron, Daewoo BH117L P&D Jabiru & Dennings Flame and Rover and a Bonluck
A trio of Dennings, Baron (583MXE), Flame (236TPD) and Rover (186RNZ) with P&D bodied Daewoo BH117L Jabiru (370LBG) of 2007 between Baron and Flame.
Picture ref D2515
Polleys Denning Phoenix Midi Dolly, Bonluck President 2 XQ80WB, Silver XQ72QE, Denning Phoenix Silver Mystique, Mercedes OH1626L Irizar i6 Jill, Mitsubishi Rosa Minnie, Hino RB8 UBC-Chiron Orion & Mercedes OH1627 BCI-Gemilang Tweety
A different perspective on the yard reveals Denning Phoenix Midi Dolly (XQ28DU), and a better view of Bonluck President 2 XQ80WB then as before, XQ72QE, Mystique, Jill, Minnie, Orion and Tweety.
Picture ref D2514
Polleys Mercedes OH1627 BCI Gemilang Tweety
A better view of Tweety, seen in the yard a few days earlier.
Picture ref D2338
Polley's Coaches
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