Things do not always run smoothly and Mercedes 1139 (MO1139) is shown here broken down in Parramatta with the Toyota maintenance van in attendance. It looks like a roadside repair is out of the question with the driver and mechanic resigned to waiting for the tow truck.
Two Custom Citaros load at Circular Quay - 1218 (MO1218) and 1242 (MO1242).
Richard Branson's Virgin Blue was the Australian equivalent of the UK's Easyjet. The tongue in cheek advert behind Custom Citaro 1223 (MO1223) is all the more amusing when you realise it is uniquely placed in Oxford Street in the heart of Sydney's gay community.
Custom Citaro 1242 (MO1242) loading at Circular Quay.
An unidentified Mercedes O405NH passes Channel 7 studios in the downtown area, heading for Circular Quay, as two others head out of the city.