ALDER VALLEY | Leyland National

London & Home Counties
Alder Valley Leyland Nationals
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Alder Valley Leyland Nationals 166 & 277
Forward to NBC MAP marketing days and National 161 (NRD161M) is seen with "ForestRide" branding on the Windsor - Bracknell - Reading service in Reading Bus Station. What is probably National 277 (TPE170S) has Heathrow Airport branding for the revamped London services and was one of several dual purpose Nationals for these duties.
Alder Valley
Alder Valley Leyland National 242
An earlier DP National - 242 (LPF600P) on the "Reading B" which had become route 300.
Alder Valley
Alder Valley Leyland National
Nationals ousted the AEC Reliances on express services in Hampshire too, though as this picture shows, not with outstanding success. The AEC tow truck is returning this sorry DP National to Aldershot depot. The one parked behind is thought to be in working order.
Alder Valley
Alder Valley Leyland National 245
National 245 (LPF603P) is seen in a whiter version of what became "LondonLink" livery and was an early example of NBC relaxing its strict nationwide corporate branding. The bus is on the "Reading B" - later X10 - in Langley.
Alder Valley
Alder Valley Leyland National 245
National 245 again, retired to Newbury and offering improved standards of comfort on the trunk Newbury - Reading 102 service. NBC MAP "Kennetbus" branding has been appplied in this Newbury Bus Station view.
Alder Valley
London & Home Counties
Alder Valley Leyland Nationals
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